
Janie, a young massage therapist experiencing rapid growth, recently discovered the agenda feature in Evolutio.

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Before this discovery, Janie often found herself frustrated with managing her schedule. She constantly had to open another app to keep track of her work hours while juggling her professional appointments and personal commitments.

  • Manquer un appel pour ensuite devoir rappeler et tomber sur la messagerie,
  • Prendre des appels en soirée qui empiètent sur son temps familial,
  • Devoir ajuster constamment son agenda pour les changements de rendez-vous,
  • Recevoir des demandes de rendez-vous par texto, par courriel, par messenger et par google business. Il lui arrive même d’oublier de faire un suivi auprès d’un client parce qu’il ne va pas sur l’ensemble des plateformes à chaque jour.

With Evolutio, everything changed. Evolutio's agenda feature has become an essential tool.

For Janie, it allows her to:


Easily set availability for her two workplaces and vacation periods, allowing her to offer a broader range of appointment options.
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Merge her personal and professional calendars through Google integration. This fusion enables optimal time management by offering extensive availability while incorporating personal appointments. Evolutio only displays professional availability, ensuring there are no scheduling conflicts.

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Get on a phone call with a new client from anywhere and instantly check her availability directly on her phone, thanks to real-time synchronization.
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Plus de soucis d'une professionnelle pour la gestion de son agenda grâce à Evolutio

For Janie, this feature has been a true game-changer. Not only has it eliminated the stress of managing her schedule, but it has also allowed her to maximize her working hours without compromising her time. For young self-employed professionals with a small client base, Evolutio provides an ideal solution, making it easy to manage a flexible schedule at a low cost while adapting to their ever-changing needs.

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