Online Appointment Booking

Benoît, a dedicated physiotherapist, loves his clients and enjoys the conversations he has with them.

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However, Benoît quickly realized that the time spent on the phone managing appointments was neither efficient nor rewarding. The frustrations related to this task began to pile up.

  • Missing a call and having to return it, only to reach voicemail.
  • Taking calls in the evening that cut into his family time.
  • Constantly adjusting his schedule to accommodate appointment changes.
  • Receiving appointment requests via text, email, Messenger, and Google Business. He even forgot to follow up with a client because he didn’t check all his platforms daily.

With Evolutio, Benoît regained control of his professional life through its various appointment management features:


Offer real-time availability 24/7 to existing and new clients through the client app or directly online. Benoît took advantage of this by adding appointment booking links everywhere: in his email signatures, on his Facebook page, on Google Business, and his business cards.
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Manage his work schedule across multiple locations and avoid double bookings. As a freelancer, he dramatically appreciates having his schedule on his mobile phone. When he schedules personal appointments, he knows there will never be any errors because Evolutio checks real-time availability, allowing him to fully enjoy the flexibility of working independently.


Having clients fill out a customizable medical questionnaire in advance helps Benoît save time during first meetings with new clients. The clients are particularly pleased that they don’t have to pay to answer questions they’ve already completed.


Reduce the time spent on the phone to confirm, reschedule, cancel, or take appointments. Benoît no longer needs to play phone tag with new clients who are often unavailable, as only a tiny fraction call him directly.
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Professionnel satisfait car ses client prennent rendez-vous en ligne sur Evolutio

At a competitive price, Evolutio allowed Benoît to overcome the frustrations of managing appointments over the phone. Thanks to this cost-effective platform, he increased his revenue while reducing time spent on administrative tasks and providing better client service. Benoît is now more available for consultations and enjoys more free time, knowing his schedule is managed efficiently and stress-free.

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