Cardiovascular Programs

Julien uses Evolutio’s advanced features to advise his clients better and expand his range of services.

Evolutio - Image de personnes qui font des exercices de cardiovasculaires

Julien, a passionate kinesiologist, discovered how Evolutio could transform his approach to creating exercise programs, especially cardio programs.

Cardiovascular programs are often long and tedious to design, which was a major frustration for Julien. Determining intensity zones, dictating cardio regimens, planning detailed sessions across multiple weeks, and adjusting took up much of his time. Evolutio revolutionized this task for him.

With Evolutio, Julien can accomplish the following actions using just a tablet:


Determine up to 7 intensity zones for cardiovascular training and offer sessions perfectly tailored to each client’s needs. The program keeps clients engaged and motivated, helping them progress optimally.
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Use various cardio regimens such as ascents, strides, pyramids, and intervals to vary the workouts.
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Plan long-term programs easily with the system for duplicating days and weeks, along with a history system that speeds up repetitive actions. Julien can quickly create several-week cardio plans, saving him valuable time. The colour-coding system allows for easy visualization of intensity levels for days and weeks, providing unmatched clarity.
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Send or modify programs instantly based on client feedback through their mobile app.
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Reuse predefined templates and adapt them to each client, thus avoiding starting from scratch.
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Julien est heureux d'avoir Evolutio pour faire ses programme d'entrainement cardio-vasculaire

Evolutio eliminated Julien’s frustrations, optimized his time and enhanced the quality and efficiency of the programs he offered his clients. Now, Julien can entirely focus on his passion: helping his clients achieve their health and wellness goals with powerful tools suited to his professional needs.

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