Personal Notes, Chat, Payment Policy, and Group Management

Samuel, a dedicated sports coach and therapist, constantly balances his manual therapy sessions with coaching three sports teams at the local high school.

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When Samuel heard about Evolutio, an all-in-one app designed for professionals like him to simplify their practice management, he was immediately intrigued. Samuel quickly adopted Evolutio and discovered how this platform could transform his daily professional life.

  • Manquer un appel pour ensuite devoir rappeler et tomber sur la messagerie,
  • Prendre des appels en soirée qui empiètent sur son temps familial,
  • Devoir ajuster constamment son agenda pour les changements de rendez-vous,
  • Recevoir des demandes de rendez-vous par texto, par courriel, par messenger et par google business. Il lui arrive même d’oublier de faire un suivi auprès d’un client parce qu’il ne va pas sur l’ensemble des plateformes à chaque jour.

Among the many features, some of the ones he finds most useful include:


Managing his sports teams more smoothly. The group management feature allows him to send instructions and exercise programs to all team members while offering the option to personalize these programs for individual athletes easily. He can also chat with his athletes and ensure that all personal documents received are automatically sorted into their respective files, greatly simplifying organization and follow-up.
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Samuel centralized his communications through a dedicated chat platform, keeping all communications with his athletes and clients in one place. This centralization streamlines exchanges and reduces the risk of missing important messages.
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Leaving personal notes that he can add to a client’s file to remind himself of key points from their conversations or to track the progress of specific projects, such as renovations. These small details enhance client loyalty, as clients feel genuinely valued and appreciate the personalized follow-up. Additionally, these notes serve as reminders to conduct follow-ups, showing clients that Samuel genuinely cares about their progress and well-being.


He enforces his payment policy without confrontation. In the event of cancellations or last-minute no-shows, the platform allows him to charge a fee according to his payment policy. This option is essential for him because every absent client represents a lost time slot, which impacts his income. Evolutio helps secure his livelihood while maintaining respectful and transparent professional relationships with his clients.
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professionnel satisfait - Evolutio

Thanks to Evolutio, Samuel has optimized his time and improved the quality of his service and the experience of his athletes and clients. This affordable app has become indispensable in his practice, allowing him to focus on what matters most: providing the best possible sports coaching and therapeutic care.

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Join us every Thursday at 7:30 PM (Toronto time) for an informative session about Evolutio. To register, simply fill out a short survey so we can better understand your needs and address them during the online demonstration.

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